You don’t have to suffer from chronic bad breath to take an interest in fresher breath. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people routinely find themselves wondering whether or not they could stand to improve their freshness at least a tad.
If you do happen to suffer from chronic bad breath, there are always ways and means to correct the problem. Speak to your dentist and they may recommend a medicated mouthwash for bad breath, or they may identify a specific cause for the problem that can be treated.
For everyone else, it’s simply a case of keeping an eye on your habits and taking care of your breath on a daily basis. So if you’d like to keep things as fresh as possible from morning till night, here’s a brief rundown of nine simple yet effective tips for fresher breath, every day:
Brush your teeth twice a day
The first and most important rule in the book is also the easiest and most obvious. Research would seem to suggest that far too many people believe they can routinely get away with missing at least one of their daily brushings, without suffering the consequences. In reality, it doesn’t take long for all that food debris in your mouth to begin rotting and breeding the kind of nasty stuff you really don’t want to think about. If you do nothing else, ensure that you thoroughly brush your teeth at least twice a day…and do it properly!
Floss daily
Along with brushing, flossing is of the utmost importance for both oral hygiene and fresh breath throughout the day. In fact, one of the biggest and most common causes of bad breath is failure to floss, allowing bacteria to build up between the teeth and create the most unholy bad smells. The quickest and easiest way of taking care of flossing every day is to invest in a dentist recommended water flosser, capable of cleaning the entire mouth in less than a minute. If you don’t floss daily, you are far more likely to experience bad breath.
Brush your tongue
Always remember that the tongue effectively works a little like a sponge…in a rather unpleasant way. Cleaning your teeth and flossing properly are all well and good, but you probably wouldn’t believe just how much bacteria there is hiding on your tongue. Bacteria that stays in your mouth indefinitely, if you don’t do something about it. It literally takes no more than a few seconds to brush or scrape your tongue morning and night – something that really can make a huge difference.
Use good quality mouthwash
One of the best things about good quality mouthwash is that it can be typically used on a relatively frequent basis, without causing any damage to your teeth or gums. This of course doesn’t apply to the kinds of ultra-strong, alcohol-heavy mouthwash products that are borderline painful to use. But if you arm yourself with a more gentle mouthwash – in accordance with your dentist’s recommendations – you’ll be able to use it throughout the day for a burst of freshness and hygiene. Why not carry a small bottle with you, just in case you need it?
Quit smoking and avoid tobacco products
One problem with smoking is that when you’ve been doing it for so long, you yourself cannot detect any problems with your breath whatsoever. You may think you smell as fresh as the morning dew, completely unaware of the fact that you actually smell like a rotten ashtray to everyone else. The thing is, unless you kick the habit completely, you are pretty much doomed to suffer from bad breath on a regular basis. Once again, it’s worth remembering that just because you think you smell pleasant doesn’t actually mean this is the case!
Watch what you eat
Another entirely obvious though important point nonetheless, there will always be certain foods and drinks that do a number on your breath. Onions, garlic, strong cheese, fish and alcohol all having a rather unfortunate effect on your freshness. That said, eating nothing at all can also result in absolutely foul breath, as stomach acid builds up and wreaks havoc with your interiors. So while there are certain foods it’s good to avoid where possible, eating something is always better than eating nothing at all.
Stay hydrated
One of the easiest ways of staying fresh throughout the day he is to simply keep tabs on your hydration levels. When you have a dry mouth, this significantly increases bacteria build-up and the gradual deterioration of food debris within your mouth. This combination represents the primary cause of almost every case of bad breath. If you struggle to remain hydrated or suffer from chronic dry mouth, it’s worth speaking to your doctor or dentist to discuss possible treatment options. If not, it’s simply a case of drinking enough water to ensure that you never feel particularly thirsty at any time.
Eat sugarless mints or chew sugarless gum
Sugar-free mints can provide a quick and convenient bit of freshness, as and when required. Nevertheless, sugar-free gum is a better option where available. The reason being that in the case of the latter, the chewing action results in the production release of a considerably more saliva. Saliva being the best defence you have against the bacteria that cause bad breath. So along with the minted freshness, you’re also doing your overall oral hygiene a favour at the same time.
Eat a carrot, stick of celery or apple
Last but not least, crunchy fruits and vegetables can also be a great way of freshening up the healthy way throughout the day. Naturally crunchy fruits and vegetables physically clean your teeth and gums, while at the same time triggering a veritable avalanche of saliva to help keep bacteria at bay. Yet another reason why it’s a good idea to swap out the usual cakes and candies for fresh fruits and vegetables, if you can bear to do so!