Teeth whitening is by a pretty huge margin one of the hottest health and beauty topics in the world right now. After all – who doesn’t want a brighter, whiter smile to be proud of?
For millions of people spanning countless countries, the quest to whiter teeth is as important as it is relentless. But while it’s a concern shared by quite enormous numbers of people worldwide, it remains a subject that is massively misunderstood.
Whether asking people for their opinions directly or seeking advice online, you will find so much entirely contradictory information when it comes to teeth whitening. Which is precisely why there are so many longstanding teeth whitening myths, which even today are believed to the letter by the masses. And even in the examples that aren’t technically harmful, chances are buying into them isn’t doing you a great deal of good either.
So with this in mind, what follows is a brief overview of some of the most misguided teeth whitening myths of all time that are still alive, kicking and doing the rounds right now:
1 – You Can Whiten Your Teeth Effectively Using Toothpaste
First of all, while there may be plenty of toothpastes on the market that claim to offer whiter teeth, they cannot and will not do the same job as actual whitening products. The reason being that while the very best toothpaste for tooth whitening may do a great job getting rid of surface stains, they do not in fact have any impact whatsoever on the colour of the tooth itself. From tea to coffee to red wine to cigarettes, there are plenty of everyday products that leave surface stains on your teeth. These are the stains whitening toothpastes are designed to get rid of – they are not designed to actually whiten the tooth below the immediate surface. Use them as much as you like, but it is highly improbable that they will make any real difference long-term.
2 – If You Want The Job Done Properly, You Have To Go To Your Dentist
While it’s true to say that professional teeth whitening treatments can work wonders, there’s nothing to say that the only way of getting the job done is to pay a fortune. In fact, many of the over the counter products you can pick up these days are able to do just as good a job as you would expect from an hour in the dentist’s chair. It’s simply a case of making sure you invest in a high quality product in the first place and follow the instructions to the letter. If you compromise on quality simply to save money, don’t be surprised if the results you come out with are anything but satisfying.
3 – You Shouldn’t Have Your Teeth Whitened If You Have Sensitive Teeth
Contrary to popular belief, there’s really nothing to say that you cannot or should not have your teeth whitened if they are sensitive. In reality, it is simply a case of staying away from particularly severe approaches to whitening, which could prove to be painful or cause further damage to your teeth. As is the case with most things, the best option is to consult with your dentist and have them recommend the best possible course of action. And in all instances, use the very best toothpaste and best mouthwash for sensitive teeth for as long as possible, before getting started with any whitening treatments.
4 – Tooth Whitening Damages Tooth Enamel
In this instance, the truth is determined by the method and products you use to get the job done. If you pick up an incredibly harsh and inferior whitening product, there’s a good chance it will indeed damage your teeth. By contrast, if you have your teeth whitened professionally by a reputable dentist, absolutely no harm whatsoever is inflicted on the enamel of your teeth. Instead, what actually happens is the pores of the teeth are opened, in order to allow the bleaching agent to do its job. And when it’s done, the pores start closing again and there’s no harm done!
5 – Tooth Whitening Lasers Are Dangerous
They’re not – primarily because it isn’t in fact a laser at all! Instead, it’s an LED or UV light that’s designed to kick the bleaching agent into overdrive and get the job done as effectively as possible as quickly as possible. In fact, if you pick up a decent home whitening kit that contains an LED tool, this is pretty much exactly the same as what’s wrongly referred to in a professional dentistry setting as a laser. The only difference being that yours probably isn’t nearly as powerful.
6 – You’ll Need To Kick Wine, Coffee And Tea For Good
This myth stems from the fact that in the immediate days following professional whitening, the pores of the teeth remain open and are therefore highly susceptible to stains. However, this only ever lasts for a few days or so after which the pores once again close and your teeth are every bit as resistant to stains as they ever were. Which in turn means that while it’s a good idea to stay away from staining foods and drinks temporarily, there’s absolutely nothing to stop you going right back to them a few days later. If you’re really concerned, all you need to do is drink through a straw!
7 – Tooth Whitening Works Every Time
Unfortunately for some, tooth whitening is a process for which results can never be 100% guaranteed. While professional treatments can do a fantastic job for the vast majority of people, there will always be certain instances, individuals and tooth types that prove otherwise. So while pretty much anyone can try tooth whitening for themselves, you cannot necessarily bank on spectacular results.
8 – It’s A One Time Only Deal
Last but not least, while professional tooth whitening can produce results that are still visible after a couple of years, there’s absolutely no such thing as an approach to tooth whitening that lasts forever. In fact, even with the most intensive and effective treatments in the world, results generally start to fade after 8 to 12 weeks. Which means that if you want to enjoy the privilege of white teeth long-term, you’d better be willing to put in the effort long-term!